Thursday, April 26, 2012


I have seen our country go through some interesting presidents.

Carter was an idiot who was made a fool of by Iran and gave away the Panama Canal.

Reagan did away with the "windfall profits tax" which enable oil companies to make the anti-Amerikan Muslims rich so the Muslims could murder their way into world domination.

Bush sr continued the policies of Reagan.

"Slick Willie" Clinton pushed the General Agreement on Trades and Tarriffs (GATT) and North Amerikan Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) down our throats which not only did away with import fees that helped our economy but also allowed companies to move factories overseas where slave labor could make the same products for a dollar a day which destroyed the job market here in the u.s.

Bush jr got us into a war with undefined goals and enemies and limited rules of engagement that has resulted in thousands of dead Amerikans. The war was inspired by a planned attack that our government knew was coming. This allowed the government to restrict air travel by honest Amerikans by draconian security which made people not want to fly. The also resulted in degrading searches that are unwanted sexual contact even of children. The air travel industry has been destroyed as well.

"Shred the Constituion" Obama who wants power to bypass Con-gress (the opposite of pro-gress) in order to enact his draconian policies which have already  done away with five Amendments in in the Bill of Rights.

We have not elected a President in my lifetime. We have been told who to vote for by the elitist media and given their choices of candidates. One acceptable and one unacceptable.

Carter got in because of the Nixon scandals.

Reagan got in because he was a personality.

Bush sr needed to continue his subversion of the nation.

Clinton was handed the big chair so he could destroy the economy. Nobody wanted Bush again and Bob Dole was a joke.

Bush jr was given the 2000 election by his brother Jeb and the 2004 by the roman catholic church (catholic priests threatened to withhold mass from catholics who voted for Kerry (who is pro-abortion)

There are three reasons that Obama won:
1. You were a racist if you didn't vote for him.
2. The boogie man threat of"Bush's Third Term"
3 John McCain was unelectable.

Now we are faced with a new election on November 6.
We have an incumbent who is working toward dictator and a jerk who thinks he is becoming a god(Mormon doctrine). 

On election day stay away from the voting booth. Both men aren't worthy of such high office.

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